Details for 'A Beginner's Guide to Breaking and Entering' by Andrew Hunter Murray

A Beginner's Guide to Breaking and Entering

by Andrew Hunter Murray
Brilliantly clever and funny murder mystery with a difference.
A Beginner's Guide to Breaking and Entering
by Andrew Hunter Murray
My review:

Al just needs somewhere to live, and he thinks he's found the perfect solution. 

He considers himself an unorthodox, and uninvited, housesitter, identifying when a property owner is going away and using the house in their absence. By the time they come back, he'll have moved on and they won't know he's ever been there. 

He assures us that he has his methods tuned to perfection - except that he's writing on the prison computer so something has clearly gone wrong. And so the story unfolds.

Al stumbled across three people who had the same notion of glorified squatting and, in a series of unfortunate events, they find themselves implicated in something much more serious altogether. 

It's brilliantly original, entertaining and gripping. Very good! 

Date of my review March 2024
Book publication date: 25th April 2024