Details for 'Paradise' by A.L. Kennedy


by A.L. Kennedy
A bleak and haunting account of the life of an alcoholic
by A.L. Kennedy
My review:

Hannah Luckraft is a woman approaching 40, with nothing to show for it. Acknowledging that she should take control of her life, she travels, physically and emotionally, longing to find that ultimate source of happiness: paradise.

But Hannah Luckraft is, in fact, an alcoholic and the book traces her battle with drink in a graphic and unrelenting fashion. From the very first we are made to experience something of what Hannah goes through.

Gradually we get to know Hannah better as we find out how she tries to drop the habit, and to rebuild relationships with the family and friends whom she has deceived, and how she copes with a body that is reacting to the years of abuse. You read on longing for her to persevere with her steps to recovery, but at the same time relating to that inner voice which says 'just one more won't hurt'.

It is a shocking and disquieting book which nevertheless displays moments of humour with some beautiful descriptions and character studies. But it is a bleak and haunting story.

Date of my review November 2012