My book review of 'Iconic' by Zandra Rhodes and Ella Alexander

by Zandra Rhodes and Ella Alexander
by Zandra Rhodes and Ella Alexander

Though her style and creations have never really appealed to me, I've always been fascinated by the determination and individuality of Zandra Rhodes. So I was keen to learn something of her story in this book which tells her life in fashion in 50 objects. And it's brilliant! Such a compelling read (the 50 objects format doesn't get in the way), and she has so much to share regarding lessons she's learnt in life.

From childhood through to the present day, with her home above the Fashion and Textile Museum she founded in London, Zandra Rhodes has wonderful stories to tell as well as words of wisdom gleaned in each significant period in her life.

We find out how powerfully her mother influenced her, and how 'The Flower Fairies' books introduced Zandra to clothes. 

She tells of how other children used to laugh at her on the school bus, but she never realised at the time because she had already contrived a thick skin which she has realised has allowed her to do anything.

She talks of making the most of each day, how she's a contrary mix of the chaotic and fastidious, how she believes life should be interesting not tasteful. 

There have been disappointments and setbacks along the way, to which she says: '...failure: it doesn't have to crush you. It can be a starting point for growth.' And 'competition is inevitable...the trick is to let it propel you forward and enrich your life, not destroy it.'

She speaks often about the people who have helped her in life and hopes she has done the same for others along the way. She recalls her many friendships and says 'find friends who lift you up, help you see beauty and leave you smiling.' Just as this book does for the reader! I loved it and will turn to it again, I'm sure. 

Date of this review: April 2024
Book publication date: 18th July 2024