I've changed my mind.

Last week I promised the usual book recommendations in this newsletter but, even though I have three titles I could mention, I've decided not to.

After all, I hope you've already picked out your book for this evening's Jólabókaflóð and tomorrow there may be a new book waiting for you under the tree, chosen with love and care by friends or family, so I don't want to distract you from these treats. 

I hope, then, you'll enjoy whatever book you have close to hand, and I look forward to comparing notes in the new year.

And if, among the people you meet over this festive period, there's anyone you think might like to receive these weekly missives with their reading suggestions, please invite them to sign up by following the link below, or send me an email.

For tonight, I'd like to thank you for all your kindnesses, encouragement and support over the past few months and wish you a very Happy Christmas!

Thank you for reading.